Sunday, April 11, 2010

Tales of Vesperia...How is it???

Well everyones been saying that TOV is good and i just want u guys to tell me why its gud n stuff ;)

thanksTales of Vesperia...How is it???
It's a good time.It's a RPG if you like RPG's you will love this game if you hate RPG's you wont like it, it's pretty simple really. 8)Tales of Vesperia...How is it???
i like rpgs :)

can anyone tell if it has a japanese voice over option?

cuz i have australian xbox and im japanese xD ( i just like japanese voice better not being racist or anything)
As far as I remember yes it does, however I will pop it in a little later and let you know for sure if someone else hasn't.
ahh u will do that just for me thank you very much

ur very helpful :)
best RPG on 360
there is a review but if you REALLY need to know acording to the review it says no jap voices
Yeah, just scoured the options and only english voices, unlike most JRPG's however the english voice acting is actually top notch in this game.
ToV is my favorite rpg on the xbox and i've played them all. The characters are all really lovable and the game has a suprisingly not corny or over the top sense of humor. The story is pretty good, the graphics are gorgeus (unless you're not into anime or cel shading) the combat system is kinda like a real time hybrid where you'll see an enemy on the field walk into them and go into a real time battle at the end of which you get the typical jrpg after battle stats. It's a pretty lengthy game with tons and tons of stuff to do and some really creative fun to get achievements and a couple of pretty challenging ones. Some other cool things about the game are the airship and free exploration once you get the airship, giant rare monsters to kill, some fun mini games on a kinda secret island.. it's just a really fun game.If you're into RPG's you wont regret getting ToV one bit.
[QUOTE=''LABoxingFighter'']best RPG on 360[/QUOTE]

I second this.
Alot of games that im getting in june and this game is one of them
Ahh thank you everybody for ur opinions

damn no japanese voice over...lame....o well...=P

its coming out 26/5/09 in australia....god damit australia is sooooooo fkn slowwww x_________X
the most long waited game to be released in australia and its finally coming out this july!.
i cant wait to play tales of vesperia
ahh i know how u feel *sniff

i want to play it!!!!
[This message was deleted at the request of a moderator or administrator]
^ Probably not the smartest of ideas to ask for that kind of stuff on these boards.That's considered illegal...
I played this game a bit after renting it. I compelted the first dungeon recusing some girl but didn't really get into it then. I might give it another try sometime when the price drops and its a used game so I can return it if necessary.
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