Thursday, April 15, 2010

How do i get my oblivion DLC for 360 to ...

ok i dl'ed the DLC over on my cousins XBOX with my HDD plugged in and i could play it online over there easy but when i went home i could not play it offline on my xbox and my HDD Somebody please help me!How do i get my oblivion DLC for 360 to ...
the reason might be because you downloaded it on a differnt xbox so it wont let you play it on yours,but i could be wrongHow do i get my oblivion DLC for 360 to ...
You activated the quests right?
pretty sure DLC is directly linked to the xbox you dled it on, that or the account
this is how arcade games and dlc works.

when you buy premium content, or even download free add ons for your games along with the content it downloads a licence for the use offline. this licence is linked directly to the xbox it was purchased on.

if you buy it online, then go offline it will work, but only on the original console.

if you buy it online, put the hard disc in a different xbox then you will need to online and logged into live to play because the offline licence will be thinking this isnt the xbox thats bought the content.

search on for the DRM tool. its a website that can transfer the licences over.

now what you need to do is take you xbox and hard drive around your friends. log into your live account. then go onto the webpage for the DRM tool. it then gives instructions how to transfer all the licences for all the dlc and games you have bought on your friends xbox over to yours. once you have done this you need to go to your download history and say redownload the oblivion dlc. this will then download the new licence.

then the game will work when you get home and play offline.

beware you can only transfer licences for software once a year. but if you buy anything in future you need to take your whole xbox over not just the hard drive. id take the power brick also as they are not universal as different xboxes use different voltages depening how old they are the sku

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